Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Lots of News for One Day...

First we received a couple of bids from Michael Mark. He gave us bids for the foundation, framing and plumbing that all came in below our current choices and so we decided to go with Michael...Duh. :)
This has saved us over 10k alone. We also like him as a person which helps! :)

We received word that our ERP (Environmental Review) was finished. The county is requiring us to fence and leave completely undisturbed just under half of our five acres. The kicker is that we don't get anything in return for this, oh wait we are liable if anything happens. That is it...we get to continue to pay property tax on five acres and build a fence in exchange for giving up half of said five acres. So the county gets to put into permanent conservancy our acreage without paying for it??? Got to love California. Oh, wait it gets better. We have until February 17th to respond if we want to contest their decision. The best part is that the decision was dated the 10th of February...yes it was yesterday. So we have a grand total of 7 days to receive the paperwork, formulate our contest and return it to the county offices. Interesting thing is that Friday is the 14th and Monday the 17th is President's day. So we really have a grand total of three days from the date it was written to receive the decision via USPS and get it back to them. If we don't the decision stands...ahh yes, California.

We also heard back from Mark Sweeney that he wants $400 more dollars to change the system specifics in our report. This would be less hard to take if he had included said specifics in the original report. So we have a little “come to Jesus meetin'” in his future. We are so done with this circus.

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