Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Putting down Stakes!

March 4th

K and I decided that we would shift gears and not use the septic design as Mark Sweeney designed (JetInc) and hire Michael Mark and his engineer to design a system using Microfast. The cost savings using Microfast offsets the additional cost of redesigning. The Microfast system doesn’t have any moving parts inside the tank which is also a maintenance bonus.

I picked up the paperwork from the water district so I can now turn in the remaining paperwork that is required for the Fire Authority authorization. We asked Tom to write a letter certifying that our lot will not be moving a total of more than 50 yards of soil. He said he will get that to us before I head to the county offices on Monday the 10th. Talked with Tom La Duke about next steps and he said we would have to meet at the lot and put down official markers for the corners of the house. We are planning on meeting him Saturday the 15th! Can’t wait to start moving dirt!

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