Monday, May 19, 2014

Foundation Finished!!!

May 18th

La Duke Brothers Concrete finished the concrete Thursday and it looks great! Mimi and Papa and the rest of us went up to the lot on Saturday for a morning tour. Mimi and Papa brought the three bigger kids hard hats and construction supplies (they were a birthday gift for N from my whole side of the family) so they were busy hammering rocks and looking official! The concrete is looking good and Michael Mark is going to begin framing on Monday! J

The Birthday Boy is looking good! :)
Thanks E and K and V and J!

 The three pictures that follow are of "knoll" where I pulled out a huge amount of poison oak. it looks sooo much better and wont make you itch! :)

 The above picture is taken standing in the middle of our dinning room looking through what will be one of our sliding glass doors. Wow! Can't believe that we will be eating meals with that as the backdrop (minus the orange tractor)!

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