Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Lumber delivered and concrete cut?!

May 20th

I met with Michael Mark yesterday at the lot to discuss the lay out of the walls and the window and door placement. It was very obvious that the laundry room was not plumbed correctly. The drain and water supply for the clothes washer were not properly placed; they are in the middle of the hallway floor! So Michael will be cutting into the concrete and moving the pipes back to the proper position. They finished placing the wall plates yesterday and measuring out the location of the windows and doors! Which means today there will be walls up! We listed our house yesterday and will be out of town for Memorial Day weekend. Hopefully there will be some interest and a couple of showings while we are gone. Getting the house ready for showings has been more stressful than the house build. We have so much stuff! K has been hard at work putting together some beautiful wall hangings and décor! She is amazing! J

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